Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Beavs win the 110th Civil War

Well after the Marathon, my workouts weren't the only thing that stopped. I haven't been blogging lately and realized that some of you do read it. So... I will do my best to be more consistent.

First blog back Civil War of course - OSU won the 110th civil war as proper. The Beavs are bowl eligible and appear to be headed to the Sun Bowl in El Paso, TX. Haven't decided if we are going to make that investment or not yet. More to come...

Friday, September 29, 2006

Hair today, Gone tomorrow

Ok, I can now talk about it as this was a traumatic experience for me. Last week, I cut off 8 inches + of my hair. Why? I don't know. John likes it and that is all that matters I guess. It is only hair and it will grow back. I'll use a quote from Working Girl, "if you want to be taken seriously, you need serious hair."


AFTER - looks like a mug shot

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Portland Marathon Oct. 1st 2006

OK, well I am just WALKING the marathon on Oct. 1st, but it is 26.2 miles regardless. I feel like an old lady 'cause I should be running. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never run a marathon in my lifetime, so this is as close as it gets. I have signed up, committed to it and have done some but not all of the training schedule. Our goal is to finish under 6.5 hours. I will blog the Monday after and report the results w/ pictures. Most of the pictures will be of the blisters on my feet, but it will be worth it.

Monday, September 11, 2006

My Gram

I wrote this about my grandma Ginny back in 2003. Now, to be honest, I wrote 2/3 and stole the other third from an unknown author. Their stuff just fit what I wanted to say better than I could say it.

I was waiting for something special to be able to give it to her. I came across it the other day and figued that I was only going to procrastinate further and maybe never use the opportunity to let her know how special she is to me and our family. So I figured now or never, even if it is a blog entry.

Friday, September 08, 2006

House Project 184

Our weekend Project, last weekend will be our project this weekend as well, yeah! We have a beautiful green- space behind us that for the last three years we have enjoyed, but the time has come. No more sitting outside watching the deer in our backyard.. We will now have a secured perimeter in the back and sides of the house - perfect for a dog, ;) ;) John.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A new addition to the Hulden's - 2007 Camry XLE

Here she is at 25 miles! And yes she is a she. Picked up this little black beauty last night. (more pictures to come)

For anyone looking to buy a car in PDX area, Powell Motors is a new and used car broker. $2500 less than MSRP, no dickering, just straight up no nonsense. $600 broker fee included in price. It literally took us less than 2 hours from start to finish to purchase this car and didn't have to step foot in a dealership or talk to a salesman at all. Highly recommend these guys - ask for James or Israel @ Powell Motors

Monday, July 03, 2006

Casie and John - 5 Years!

So, I have taken a little break on the blogging. I would like to say that I am back, but we will have to see. Unfortunately my professional blog still suffers from neglect, but this one is way more fun. Without further delay.... catching up.

This picture was the photo collage I gave to John on our 5 year wedding anniversary 08/04/06. This is 5 years of captured moments in time. There are 99, I could have used 999.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

35th Wedding Anniversary

John's mom and dad (Charlie and Sandi) celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary last night (06/14/06). They are a great inspiration to us. Congratulations mom and dad on an impressive milestone!

Flag Day

In honor of flag day (06/14/06) .
These are pics. of our flag hanging above our garage on flag day.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Backyard June 2006

Our backyard has been a two year work in progress so far. From red clay dirt to three minor projects still to go, we are at the point where we can enjoy it. Now we are talking Oregon, so that two years translates to about 6 mo. max of actual backyard working weather. Stay tuned for the status of three projects and my 'what not to do's' that I learned the hard way: 1. Horseshoe pits, 2. Raised Garden Beds 3. Back Fence with gate and another Side Gate.

When the sun goes down, we have one oak tree that just glows. What a way to end the day.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Wildlife Encounters

Some wildlife pictures from our 2004 Summer trip to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons N.P.s.
The bear picture was all we got of him because as soon as he spotted us, things got a little hairy. He was a curious adolescent black bear, who smelled food in our packs and thought that we were interesting enough to pursue. Later I realized that I had jerky in my pocket. oops. Some advise - if ever in this situation, make lots of noise, don't drop your pack and most importantly, don't run or climb to higher ground. Most importantly - keep an eye out for mama bear. My advice if you see her... forget everything I just said. If you are not alone, run. You only have to outrun the slowest person.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cougie Lucy Woods

Cougie Lucy Woods

Tested Kathie's camera phone for her last night by sending this picture to my email. It was too cute not to share.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Erin go braugh!

John's mom just got back Sat. night from a trip to Scotland and Ireland. She sent us this postcard and explained the story behind it.

Story in a nutshell:
It has long been a tradition for the doors in Dublin to be all painted a different elaborate color. The sole fact was and is to make it easier for the drunk Irish husbands to tell which door was theirs when they came stumbling home.

erin go braugh!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Pimp My Ride

Anticipating a new car being necessary come August, I have lots of ideas, but no time for research. Ideally I would love to own a Chrysler 300C and a Tahoe fully loaded with big rims and mass thug appeal. You know how it is, Swarovski crystal paint job and Louis Vuitton interior - "it's all part of life behind the gates."

But... since I don't want to be single while driving my tricked out hooptie, a more fuel efficient vehicle is deemed necessary. The following are a few of too many options;

Toyota FJ Cruiser

Toyota Camry Hybrid

Honda Accord Hybrid

Friday, May 26, 2006

Over the Hedge

Saw this movie last. It isn't just for the kiddies - entertaining for adults too if you have no expectations.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Movie of the year? I think so.

The much awaited release of the movie, Nacho Libre, is just about here. You may not agree, but then you have to have a certain sense of humor to appreciate this type of movie.

Have no expectations and enjoy. Mark your calendars : Opens June 19th.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Miami Beach: Sand, Sea, Pina Coladas and Sunsets

Miami Beach is completely different that Key West. More luxury, art deco, more expensive too. Loved every minute of the hotel, beach, sun, people watching. See next post: celebrity sightings. We stayed at The Fontainebleau Hotel and Resort. In the midst of a $500 million dollar renovation, but you would never have known it from the places we dwelled. That is how we afforded it by the way. We were upgraded for free to their tower that was completed. 27th floor and amazing. Big Jacuzzi tub, flat screen TV, marble, tile. See pics that don't do it justice. Free bottled water in the fridge, but that was so you could stay hydrated and keep purchasing the $10+ drinks. Well worth it however. Best pina colada I have ever had too. Will hopefully go back someday when the place is finished. I would highly recommend it.

Key West : Sand, Sea, Pina Coladas and Sunsets

John and I have had a hard time adjusting back to everyday life after living the island life for a week. We spent a week in Miami Beach and Key West.

Key West is Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville. Jimmy did not disappoint. Life on the beach started about 9:00am with waking up to sweet smelling warm lime scented salty air. On the beach with umbrella, chairs and towels by 9:30. ($18/day as opposed to the $30/day in Miami Beach) Breakfast consisted of some fruit on top of a pina colada. Sun and swimming in the warm water until we were board and had enough. Frozen towels and Popsicles delivered every so often by a pool boy. ( I am guessing - didn't get a good look at him) Back to the room to get ready for the night ahead. Nights consisted dinners at Crabby Dicks (great seafood) Alice's Italian Restaurant, Cheeseburger in Paradise and of course The Hogs Breath Saloon. After dinner consisted of walking all over Key West (about 40 minutes from one side to the other.) and settling in Mallory square for the celebration of the sunset.

Friday, May 12, 2006

One to Skip

In an effort to try to customize this blog, I have to post some pictures here for use later. Sorry.


Well the inaugural blog needs to be something of great importance that will either make you love us or hate us. Ducks or Beavers. We are Beavers. If you are not let this be the first and last entry you read. Not really, this is just to forewarn you that if you do read this come August, it could get ugly and I am not responsible for any anti-OREGON posts by either John or myself. You have been forewarned...