Thursday, June 15, 2006

35th Wedding Anniversary

John's mom and dad (Charlie and Sandi) celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary last night (06/14/06). They are a great inspiration to us. Congratulations mom and dad on an impressive milestone!

Flag Day

In honor of flag day (06/14/06) .
These are pics. of our flag hanging above our garage on flag day.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Backyard June 2006

Our backyard has been a two year work in progress so far. From red clay dirt to three minor projects still to go, we are at the point where we can enjoy it. Now we are talking Oregon, so that two years translates to about 6 mo. max of actual backyard working weather. Stay tuned for the status of three projects and my 'what not to do's' that I learned the hard way: 1. Horseshoe pits, 2. Raised Garden Beds 3. Back Fence with gate and another Side Gate.

When the sun goes down, we have one oak tree that just glows. What a way to end the day.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Wildlife Encounters

Some wildlife pictures from our 2004 Summer trip to Yellowstone and Grand Tetons N.P.s.
The bear picture was all we got of him because as soon as he spotted us, things got a little hairy. He was a curious adolescent black bear, who smelled food in our packs and thought that we were interesting enough to pursue. Later I realized that I had jerky in my pocket. oops. Some advise - if ever in this situation, make lots of noise, don't drop your pack and most importantly, don't run or climb to higher ground. Most importantly - keep an eye out for mama bear. My advice if you see her... forget everything I just said. If you are not alone, run. You only have to outrun the slowest person.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Cougie Lucy Woods

Cougie Lucy Woods

Tested Kathie's camera phone for her last night by sending this picture to my email. It was too cute not to share.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Erin go braugh!

John's mom just got back Sat. night from a trip to Scotland and Ireland. She sent us this postcard and explained the story behind it.

Story in a nutshell:
It has long been a tradition for the doors in Dublin to be all painted a different elaborate color. The sole fact was and is to make it easier for the drunk Irish husbands to tell which door was theirs when they came stumbling home.

erin go braugh!