Friday, September 29, 2006

Hair today, Gone tomorrow

Ok, I can now talk about it as this was a traumatic experience for me. Last week, I cut off 8 inches + of my hair. Why? I don't know. John likes it and that is all that matters I guess. It is only hair and it will grow back. I'll use a quote from Working Girl, "if you want to be taken seriously, you need serious hair."


AFTER - looks like a mug shot

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Portland Marathon Oct. 1st 2006

OK, well I am just WALKING the marathon on Oct. 1st, but it is 26.2 miles regardless. I feel like an old lady 'cause I should be running. I have come to terms with the fact that I will never run a marathon in my lifetime, so this is as close as it gets. I have signed up, committed to it and have done some but not all of the training schedule. Our goal is to finish under 6.5 hours. I will blog the Monday after and report the results w/ pictures. Most of the pictures will be of the blisters on my feet, but it will be worth it.

Monday, September 11, 2006

My Gram

I wrote this about my grandma Ginny back in 2003. Now, to be honest, I wrote 2/3 and stole the other third from an unknown author. Their stuff just fit what I wanted to say better than I could say it.

I was waiting for something special to be able to give it to her. I came across it the other day and figued that I was only going to procrastinate further and maybe never use the opportunity to let her know how special she is to me and our family. So I figured now or never, even if it is a blog entry.

Friday, September 08, 2006

House Project 184

Our weekend Project, last weekend will be our project this weekend as well, yeah! We have a beautiful green- space behind us that for the last three years we have enjoyed, but the time has come. No more sitting outside watching the deer in our backyard.. We will now have a secured perimeter in the back and sides of the house - perfect for a dog, ;) ;) John.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

A new addition to the Hulden's - 2007 Camry XLE

Here she is at 25 miles! And yes she is a she. Picked up this little black beauty last night. (more pictures to come)

For anyone looking to buy a car in PDX area, Powell Motors is a new and used car broker. $2500 less than MSRP, no dickering, just straight up no nonsense. $600 broker fee included in price. It literally took us less than 2 hours from start to finish to purchase this car and didn't have to step foot in a dealership or talk to a salesman at all. Highly recommend these guys - ask for James or Israel @ Powell Motors