Sunday, October 31, 2010

Seriously Mom?

Somebody didn't like dressing up for Halloween, but she is so cute.

Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Go beavs

9am breakfast tailgate. Who needs sleep. Looks like the Beavs are going to shut out the Bears. It's cold!!

Friday, October 29, 2010


So tonight is probably the biggest trauma case that I will ever see in my career - maybe? It was exciting and amazing to see about 20 people move and work in caos, but be as smooth as an orchestra. I can't say what case I had, but if u know where I work and u watch the news - u can figure it out.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Slow Night

When there are no surgeries like right now, It is time to help the hospital staff in the work core. This hospital is great in the way they run staff. The surgical scrubs don't normally have to pull case carts, turn over rooms, pull dr preferences etc... Unless it's slow then it is nice to help. Being busy makes it go faster too. Did get in a little baseball - I mean paperwork. Earlier I did a neuro case and have an abbess scheduled for later tonight. Fun Fun.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Another good 1st

I scrubbed my first cranie case today. It wasn't a full craniotomy because we never entered the dura. But we did bur holes and take off part of the skull and replace it with steal mesh. Didn't see brain today, but it was a good warm up to it.

Side note... I still cannot hear a thing inside the O. R. and on top of that I worked with a surgeon with thick polish accent than mumbled. Maybe I should get my ears cleaned or something. They say it gets better. Go Go gadget ears.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank u Jesus

I see this Bible in the locker room every day and it is a great reminder that there isn't anywhere I go that God isn't by my side. I had another great Monday. 3 surgeries. I assisted in my first neuro case tonight. Lumbar laminectomy. My first human spine. Dr. quizzed me through it and taught me a lot.

Rachelle Update

The VB team on Sat. honored Rachelle. Her fav. color is pink, so both teams wore it. The other team donated $1000 to her. She has movement in her shoulders arms and wrists. She works very hard at physical therapy. She believes she will walk again. I really admire her strength and courage.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

1 week down

Made it through first week. Helped in 13 surgeries and logged 10 complete surgeries for my certification. Got another artery spray in the face shield, while shaking and trying to load a suture to stop the bleeding. Surgeon was yelling stick tie at me. It was awesome. I like the challenge. So several scrub changes this week. Now, relaxing weekend. - I hope.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day - 4

After a 4 hr. vascular case with a lead apron on. Feet up and doing paperwork as a reward. Another good day. Got a specialty case in, so that is good for my certification. I am getting to know more people and they are more willing to let me do more. I am blessed by how well this is going. I do really miss my husband and puppy though. John and I met for lunch today and joked that it was more of a logistics meeting. Home and bed now.

Day - 3 Quitten Time Already?

I loved my day today. I got to do everything for three cases from
3 different specialties from start to finish. The day flew by and I really felt that I was doing what I was meant to be doing for the first time. Can't really describe my cases, but one case I had to change my scrubs because I got so bloody. All patients came through great. There is a trauma coming up for surgery, and i want to stay, but the smart thing is to get some sleep. To home and to bed.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 2

Day 2 was great. It was a slow night in the O.R., so I only got to scrub 2 surgeries. Both great experiences and I learned a lot. I got to wear lead for the first time. It wasn't as heavy or hot as I thought that it would be. Still about 35 extra lbs. Good thing I lost some of that prior to this gig. I am hoping to scrub a total knee replacement today ... we will see.

It is a privilege and totally cool to be able to walk behind these doors. In the inside ring of the O.R., you can see into all the rooms. I can go into any O.R. during any surgery to observe if I am not scrubbing that case. I am grateful and don't take it for granted. I pray for all of my patients at the beginning of each procedure. I hope I will never forget that these are people who are loved by others and are God's children. This was especially true for a very young patient I had. I kept thinking of how trusting this little one's parents are of me, who they don't even know.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 1 After

So cheesy pic, but I'm tired. I handed my first scalpel and the second. 2 surgeries the first day. 6 hrs total. Both open appes. One converted from lap appe and that is why so long. I saw open abdomens, sub-q, muscle, bowl. Got to hold bowel - it was awesome!! Pretty much exercised all of my training in the first day. Can't imagine what day 2 will be like. Got an hour drive to OC now. Then bed.

Day 1 - before

Well, this AM was great. I feel like a retired person. Had coffee, took the dog for a walk, got the mail, ironed cloths, read the paper(not really). Cut some flowers from my yard.

Then I remembered that I was headed for a great unknown this afternoon and had to find the TUMS. Made for a funny image I thought.

I am ready - thank u for all the support and prayers. Hopefully in my next post I can say I handed my first scalpel. ;)

Friday, October 01, 2010

Cougar Loss

Nothing like having to watch the game you just blew.

Pulled over

Tags expired Sept. It's Oct. 1st- I got pulled over this AM.
My fault, there good, I'm at DMV


Calories- 590,
Fat Grams - 28,
Carbs - 79
Celebrating passing my last final - worth it!