Friday, February 25, 2011

His and Hers

Going to freeze tomorrow on Mt. Hood. Just hope the degrees are in the positive.


Got to have coffee with Richelle today. She is progressing in her rehabilitation. She has learned how to use her arms and hands to do lots of day to day activities. She uses an iPad to control and program most of the electronics in her house/car. Pretty amazing. She still is 100% convinced she will play VB again, who is anybody to say she won't. She inspires me.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I traded in my snowboard for skis.
First Lift - The Carpet Lift -
I had a good 30 years on most other riders of this lift.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hittin It

The Mt. In 30 minutes.
New powder here we come.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


...we all have one


Rooms - always make me nervous.

Why is it that we patiently wait for things that are not fun, and are so impatient for things that are.

...interview immanent - I actually think this will be fun, when the waiting part is over.


Tuesday, February 01, 2011


I feel a very huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I took my national board/state exam yesterday and feel that I passed, but I won't know for 10 days or so. Yesterday we celebrated with cake, pizza and flowers. What could be better? Today I am getting my house back in order. Tomorrow I have a final interview in Salem for the Surgical Technician job. I am very anxious to see what kind of surgery I will be involved with, but the most important thing is I will have a job in surgery... if tomorrow goes well. Thanks for all of the prayers from all of you that I am so lucky to know and have be part of my life. This has been quite the journey I thank God for leading me.