Saturday, May 28, 2011

Foil Girl

Foiled then threaded. FYI - threading = pain.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy Birthday John

Goodbye Jerry Jeep...Hello Wriley Wrangler

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Aviator Shades Day

Lincoln City weekend

Cheesy pic #20

This beautiful led dress goes down to my knees. It weighs 60lbs and I wear it almost everyday. I am LOVING surgery. I am working my way through the different specialties during my orientation training. Have completed Urology, Gynocology, and General surgery. Starting Neurology and then Cardiothorcic next. I have been trained in robotic surgery assisting and that was pretty exciting as well. Driving everyday to Salem is a little old, but I'll be out of orientation and on my 3X12 schedule soon enough. Wish I could post about some of the amazing surgeries I have seen, but I can't risk patient privacy. When enough time has passed I'll share more detail.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

My sweetie

12 years ago today was our first date. How time goes so quickly.