Sunday, June 26, 2011

Summer Drive-In

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images from a drive-in


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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sliced - warning

Not my finger tip, but Kathie's. Spent some time in the ER last night with her. I put it on ice, but obviously not vascular enough to reattach. Kathie was a trooper though. She had just changed the setting on the slicer from 3 to 1. Good thing!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weekend with Casie's Grandparents - June 2011

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June 2011
Music: Happy (Instrumental), by Secrets In Stereo
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Saturday, June 04, 2011


Sent from my iPhoneI've got to be honest, I'm not sure precisely where I was in London when I took this photo. I know the statue on the left is King George. That's about it, but I thought the picture was cool.

Westminster Abbey

Sent from my iPhoneThey don't allow pictures taken inside. I walked through it today. Very beautiful and old.

Big Ben

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Wednesday, June 01, 2011