Monday, May 15, 2006

Key West : Sand, Sea, Pina Coladas and Sunsets

John and I have had a hard time adjusting back to everyday life after living the island life for a week. We spent a week in Miami Beach and Key West.

Key West is Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville. Jimmy did not disappoint. Life on the beach started about 9:00am with waking up to sweet smelling warm lime scented salty air. On the beach with umbrella, chairs and towels by 9:30. ($18/day as opposed to the $30/day in Miami Beach) Breakfast consisted of some fruit on top of a pina colada. Sun and swimming in the warm water until we were board and had enough. Frozen towels and Popsicles delivered every so often by a pool boy. ( I am guessing - didn't get a good look at him) Back to the room to get ready for the night ahead. Nights consisted dinners at Crabby Dicks (great seafood) Alice's Italian Restaurant, Cheeseburger in Paradise and of course The Hogs Breath Saloon. After dinner consisted of walking all over Key West (about 40 minutes from one side to the other.) and settling in Mallory square for the celebration of the sunset.


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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!