Monday, August 18, 2008

Seven Years of Marriage! 08/04/08

Every year on our anniversary, we write down all the events we can remember that we were part of for that year. We (I) always forget the things that we do and having them written down and being able to look back on them is very special for us. I will document the first 6 years on another post, mostly for us, but in case anybody cares. - probably not.

Seventh Year 2007 – 2008

August 2007

  • Seattle Mariner Game w/ the Gault’s, The Schmitz’s & the Liston’s
  • We went to the Clackamas County Fair Rodeo twice and Casie went 3 times
  • Bought a 65” TV just in time for the football season
  • Stained the fence
  • Went to John’s cousin’s funeral Mikaelia Farnum (Sandie Farnum’s step daughter fell while hiking in Chile) in Seattle then came back to Portland where John took pictures for Matt and Krista Schmitz’s wedding.
  • Went to Christian Nelson’s first birthday party

September 2007

  • Went to many Oregon State Football games (9-4)
  • Went to Phoenix/Mesa to visit Gram and Willis Brown & watched OSU football game. OSU lost to ASU. Drove to Sedona the following day.
  • John’s work – went to Tilikum and did the ropes course w/ CUI.

October 2007

  • John went to Kelso to spend the three day weekend with his parents.
  • John went to Pronghorn with the managers at CUI for two nights
  • Casie’s mom came to visited the first week in October.
  • Casie and mom went to visit Grandpa Bob and Carolyn in Albany

November 2007

  • Went to the Blazer game w/ excellent CUI company tickets. They played Detroit and won.
  • Went to Pullman to watch OSU vs.WSU. (52-17) Freezing wind and rain!
  • Bought our first dog (Indiana Cecilia Hulden) Labradoodle (she was born on September 13th from a litter of 15.
  • Went to John’s parents house for Thanksgiving.
  • We went to Super Diamond concert at the Crystal Ballroom

December 2007

  • Many watch a successful Civil War victory at the Hulden’s
  • Went to ISI Christmas party at Tualatin Country Club
  • We did artificial insemination 3 times during the fall and all were unsuccessful
  • John traveled to Vernonia to help flood victims clean-up
  • We were at the hospital for the birth of Jack Alan Merrill (Dec 17th)
  • Casie’s nephew was born to Lonnie and Amanda Ireland (Dec 17th) Payton Sebastian
  • Went to CUI Christmas party at the Portland City Grill
  • We took 5 days off at Christmas
  • John and Casie went to Albany to visit Grandpa Bob w/ Lonnie Sr. etc…
  • We went to John’s parents house for Christmas
  • Took a 4-day weekend for the New Year’s holiday. Just watched football.

January 2008

  • We went to Atlanta to see nephew Payton w/ Mari, Jeff. Just visited with them in Bear’s apartment
  • Rented a u-haul and got piano from John’s parents house to our house with some help form friend: John Gault. John drove the u-haul in freezing rain and saw three wrecks, but made the trip safely
  • Took Indiana to puppy school
  • We met John’s brother and his girlfriend Rita on his birthday at the Trail’s End.

February 2008

  • We hosted a Texas hold’em tournament at our house with 7 players
  • Watched the Super Bowl with Kathie
  • John’s dad had a doctor’s appointment during the middle of the week in the morning, so his parents came down and stayed the night. We went to the Claim Jumper for dinner
  • John went to an overnight conference (SAP) in Bellevue
  • We went to Sisters Oregon for an overnight trip.

March 2008

  • Went to PGE park and watched OSU baseball beat Georgia (biggest attendance for pac-10 baseball game)
  • Did prep work for in-vetro.
  • John was sick with the flu and missed 2.5 days of work
  • We met John’s aunt Teri, cousin Angie (and kids), and parents at Who, Songs, and Larry’s for dinner. Angie and the kids stayed the night with us and Teri was able to visit our house for a couple of hours
  • We drove to Albany to see Casie’s grandpa, cousins Rachael and Dan, and aunt Debbie. This was near the end of March and it snowed some during the day.
  • Indiana had the operation to be fixed

April 2008

  • Did 1st In-vetro procedure. Casie took lots of shots and medication and many trips to OHSU
  • We went to Kelso to see John’s dad on his 65th birthday
  • The winter and spring were very cold and wet. Snow rarely stuck at our house, but there were snowflakes in the air many times. April 21st was the last day we had snow, but it snowed at least a dozen different days during the winter and spring
  • Casie had a CCC volleyball alumni event
  • John took pictures at Silver Falls same weekend

May 2008

  • May 1st, 1st In-Vetro negative results. Got results in Lincoln City
  • Went to Lincoln City and stayed 3 nights
  • John went to Pronghorn again with managers from CUI for 2 nights
  • John’s company went public and purchased by Waytronx on May 19th
  • We had dinner the night John’s company went public with Matt and Katie (president) of CUI at Piazza Italia
  • On John’s 34th birthday, we met John’s parents in Woodland for breakfast
  • John went to Seattle with the John Gault, Matt Schmitz, Phil Nelson, golfed at Gold Mountain, and went to a Mariner’s game vs. Red Sox.
  • Casie inducted into NWAACC volleyball hall of fame for coaching championship game in 2006.

June 2008

  • John was selected for jury duty and had to go in for selection. However, he did not actually get selected, so he was only out of work for ½ a day
  • We worked on the house (spreading bark dust, cleaning windows, etc.) in preparation for Casie’s grandma and Willis arriving
  • Gram and Willis came to Oregon. We took them to Beverly beach resort for the weekend.
  • We went to a BBQ with friends at Phil and Tracy Nelson’s house
  • We took up golf a little more seriously and golfed several rounds over the summer months. We golfed a bunch in June.

July 2008

  • John joined a softball team and played the season. Played w/ Matt Schmitz., Matt Liston & John Gault
  • We went to John’s parent’s for the 4th of July BBQ
  • Casie and I went to the Mollala Buckaroo on July 5th
  • Truong came down from Seattle and stayed the night. We played cards at John Gault’s house and then the three of us golfed with John Gault at Chehalem Glenn in Newberg. On that Saturday night, Casie and I went to Jim McKenzie’s retirement dinner at CUI
  • We saw The Dark Knight at 9:30 in the morning on the opening weekend (July 18th) and then golfed 18 holes at a par 3 golf course with John and Katie Gault.
  • We started the 2nd in vetro attempt
  • We went to the ISI BBQ at Oaks Park. John rammed is bumper car over the ledge of the race track resulting in the stopping of the cars and then a restart

August 2008

  • We went to Ocean Shores, WA to the Wirth family reunion. John’s mom and dad did not go (Dad had cataract surgery 2 days before). Chris was there and the three of us stayed at Sandi and Peter’s house on Saturday
  • On our 7th anniversary, we were at home and went to OHSU for the pregnancy test. We found out later in the day the test was negative. We went to dinner in Lake Oswego and planned a vacation for the last week in August in San Francisco.

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