Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What its all about...

"The names of patients whose lives we save can never be known. Our contribution will be what did not happen to them. And though they are unknown, we will know that mothers and fathers are at graduations and weddings they would have missed, and that grandchildren will know grandparents they might never have known and holidays will be taken, and work completed, and books read, and symphonies heard, and gardens tended that, without our work, would never have been."

--Donald M. Berwick

Monday, March 28, 2011

1st day

Employee Orientation - 40hrs.
Ready or not...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cheesy Ski Video

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March 26, 2011 ski trip. I took my first black diamond run tonight with no yard sale, not even a fall.

- Casie

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Thursday, March 24, 2011


I can't lift my puppy any longer - 90lbs over my high counter into the sink isn't happening.

She helped me in the yard today and so paw washing by the door had to happen. This was the dirt after just 1 paw. No wonder I have a punch card with Stanly Steemer!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I was showing Kathie how I plan on outrunning her if I need to.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Well John's mom Sandi did great with her first chemo treatment. John, myself, his dad and his brother spent the entire day with her during treatment and still continue to monitor her and help take care of John's dad. She has no side effects so far. These pre and post chemo meds sure have come a long way. She should start loosing her hair in a couple of weeks, but she has a great wig that is almost an exact match of her hair. She is in great spirits and we can't keep her from doing anything... laundry, cooking etc... We continue to try. So thank you Lord for a better than expected outcome so far. Thank everybody for your prayers. Prayer works.
On a related note, just as I expected the American Cancer Society is an amazing organization. Sandi has all the comforts available to her at no cost including any type and number of wigs, hats, scarves, quilts. The staff and volunteers at Keiser Oncology in Longview are also amazing God inspired people. Again all answer to prayer.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Well, John and I have been skiing quite a bit lately, and that is because we are anticipating being needed elsewhere for the next several months.

I guess we take the good with the bad.

The good is I GOT A JOB!! Salem hospital main OR (the job that I really wanted) came through. If I would have taken L&D, I wouldn't have gotten this opportunity, so good things came with patients and persistence. OK, I wasn't patient at all. I learned a great deal in the last 4 weeks of job searching. The main thing is gratitude. I'll know more about the job after I meet with them in the next couple of days.

So the bad... John's mom was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Stage 3 or 4 cancer - more tests to determine. This is a very aggressive cancer, but very common. She starts chemo-therapy on Wednesday. This will involve 8 to 9 rounds of treatment, three weeks apart. She is in good spirits and ready to fight. Most of you know John's dad has pretty advanced Alzheimers, so they are both going to need a lot of care. We couldn't do it without Christ's grace, peace and strength. We ask you all for your prayers for both his parents. Pray for John too as the responsibility of all if it falls on his shoulders. I am sure I will keep posting updates to all this etc...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


This is what Labradoodle hair looks like after a shampoo and blow-dry. Isn't she pretty!

Monday, March 07, 2011

6 out of 13 days on skis

Well, John and I are having a blast skiing together on the blue runs anyhow. I don't think I'll see black diamonds this season - next year. We had a great time in Bend. Weather was absolutely beautiful. One day 15 degrees and 15 inches of new powder - heck of a workout. Pic of my new ski - not exactly what I had in mind when I said I was going to rip it up. Pic of K2s in the air - I don't think John intended to be upside down near a tree well either.