Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Well, John and I have been skiing quite a bit lately, and that is because we are anticipating being needed elsewhere for the next several months.

I guess we take the good with the bad.

The good is I GOT A JOB!! Salem hospital main OR (the job that I really wanted) came through. If I would have taken L&D, I wouldn't have gotten this opportunity, so good things came with patients and persistence. OK, I wasn't patient at all. I learned a great deal in the last 4 weeks of job searching. The main thing is gratitude. I'll know more about the job after I meet with them in the next couple of days.

So the bad... John's mom was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Stage 3 or 4 cancer - more tests to determine. This is a very aggressive cancer, but very common. She starts chemo-therapy on Wednesday. This will involve 8 to 9 rounds of treatment, three weeks apart. She is in good spirits and ready to fight. Most of you know John's dad has pretty advanced Alzheimers, so they are both going to need a lot of care. We couldn't do it without Christ's grace, peace and strength. We ask you all for your prayers for both his parents. Pray for John too as the responsibility of all if it falls on his shoulders. I am sure I will keep posting updates to all this etc...

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