Thursday, March 17, 2011


Well John's mom Sandi did great with her first chemo treatment. John, myself, his dad and his brother spent the entire day with her during treatment and still continue to monitor her and help take care of John's dad. She has no side effects so far. These pre and post chemo meds sure have come a long way. She should start loosing her hair in a couple of weeks, but she has a great wig that is almost an exact match of her hair. She is in great spirits and we can't keep her from doing anything... laundry, cooking etc... We continue to try. So thank you Lord for a better than expected outcome so far. Thank everybody for your prayers. Prayer works.
On a related note, just as I expected the American Cancer Society is an amazing organization. Sandi has all the comforts available to her at no cost including any type and number of wigs, hats, scarves, quilts. The staff and volunteers at Keiser Oncology in Longview are also amazing God inspired people. Again all answer to prayer.

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