Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mr. Colon

So, this is Mr. Sigmoid Colon everybody. I saw one that was distended greater than the one that is in the picture. This happens when there is an obstruction, adhesion etc... I have assisted in several of these bowel cases. Usually start with an exploratory laparotomy. These cases can be really long. I like assisting in them, because they usually consist of three instrument pans that I am familiar with... and the bowel is a great way to keep your hands warm in the cold room. :)

This week I have continued to assist in about 4 surgeries a night. So far this week I have done all surgeries solo except for one. That means just the surgeon(s) and I scrubbed in for the procedure. I am solely responsible for setting up the sterile field, draping the patient, handing everything to the surgeons they require during the procedure, being a second or third set of hands during the surgery, helping to close, applying dressings, casts etc... Still haven't figured out the part where I have two retractors in one hand, a clamp that is occluding a vessel in the other hand and then the surgeon says, hand me a stick tie STAT... umm?

There are those off surgeries and days where it seems that nothing goes right. I heard that just happens. My theory is that they are sparked by a very agitated and tired surgeon (usually female surgeons btw!) Makes everybody tense and lowers the success in the room. But, these are few and far between and I still like the challenge, although I find myself tentative when working with those surgeons and the thought to avoid them crosses my mind, but I cannot give into that. Got to step up to the challenge.

The comfort of being a new student is fading and expectations are increasing. I'm up for it though. I willingly signed up for this I keep reminding myself :)

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