Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Over 40

So I have now scrubbed over 40 surgeries. I have experienced Ortho, Vascular, Neuro, Genitourinary, OBGYN and General specialties. The last couple of days I have experienced some long stressful surgeries where the surgeon was stressed and I could do few things to please them. This is good experience. I have to keep calm, keep my emotions in check and just do my job the best I can. My job is to remain calm when the tension gets thick. Everybody in the room has the patients best interest as their #1 priority and that is all that matters.
Yesterday was also my first total knee which was a great experience. I knew it would be rough with all the power tools and hammers etc... but it was a lot rougher than I thought. I was retracting the tibia with the entire weight of my body. It only took 1 hour to replace a person's knee. I am amazed that the person will walk within 12 hours of that. But they did. Oh, and the patient was awake and talking during surgery with just a spinal. After we took down the drapes I made eye contact with the patient and smiled through my bunny suite mask covered in all kinds of splatter. That may be a little disturbing to the patient today???

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