Saturday, January 08, 2011

12 hour day

My first 12 and it wasn't bad. Didn't plan on it, but I stayed to scrub an abdominal aortic aneurysm - (big trauma case), foreign object - (yes what u think that means,) a dermoid cyst - (an ovarian cyst full of hair and teeth - gross.) a Cholecystectomy - (gall bladder removal),

I had a great week. The pic is one of the large suture walls in the core which resides in the middle if the OR pods. Still getting familiar with all different suture types, needles, lengths, gauges, etc...

Still no final offer from the hospital. Will be my goal next week.

Still love what I do.


Amanda Ireland said...

They would be crazy to not have you on full time!

Anonymous said...

It's soo cool to read about your various experiences and procedures you've scrubbed in on. Even the squirting arterial sprays! Ha!

I am praying big for you in the pursuit of this one positon... May it be a BIG GREEN "yes" if this is the right place and time for you (and John)... and if NOT, may you have the patience to wait for God's BEST plan for you. I am soooo proud of you-- for how you have worked so hard at learning and now doing all of this... Press on dear friend! God's got the perfect place & time for you! hugs! XOXO GK