Thursday, January 06, 2011

5 hour surgery

So still no plastic surgery for me yesterday, but I did scrub a big bowel case and a 5 hour vascular case. The vascular case was an iliac embolism and a bring back leaking Triple A (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm). I was wearing led and the room was at 80 degrees, so it was a good experience for me in that specialty. I don't think it will be one of my favorites, but a great experience. Lots and Lots of blood. About 3000cc in less than 2 minutes. I am getting to the point now where I don't jump or jerk away when an artery spray comes my way. You just take in square in the face shield like a champ. It is gross when it gets on your skin. The surgeons don't care about that stuff at all... I think they should.

I also found the HR office and double checked on the job offer I heard about and need to get solidified. I think they were surprised, but I can't expect anybody to come to me. I have to go after it. Ill follow up tomorrow and see if we can get this offer nailed down with details etc..

So I am off again today to go early because my program director is going to observe me. Wish me luck.

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