Saturday, January 22, 2011

Solo in L&D.

In Labor and Delivery there are a lot of starts and stops with surgery. I was standing outside of the O.R. for an extended period of time waiting for the call. Forgot I had my phone in my scrubs, so random photo time.

L&D continues to be exciting during surgery, and not so much when there isn't a surgery. On the other side, there is always surgery. The day still goes by fast. I worked 13 hours on Thursday and it wasn't bad. It was also a day where another tech called in sick, so I just took her shift. Did three C-Sections and one Tubal Ligation all by myself. It felt great to contribute in that way and I carried the official O.R. emergency phone. The one they call when they need to be in the OR in a crash situation.

Still can't wait to get back to bowels, brains, spines, hearts, lungs, gall bladders and appendicies.

Next week is my last week. I have L&D for M-T for 12 hours/day. Then I have class W-F with my final state board on Monday January 31st. Almost done with the school phase and externship. Can't wait!!


Anonymous said...

I love hearing about all this stuff. Wish I would hear about it more in person but I still love to hear about are a natural fit for this and God will use you big time. Be patient!

Anonymous said...

Casie- miss seeing you, but you are amazing! Love seeing/reading of your progress. Good luck on your boards!!